Independence Baptist Association
Friday, July 26, 2024
A Family of churches cooperating together to reach our communities, state, nation, and world for Christ!


Our Association Missionary is Ronnie Toon.  He came to the Association in August of 2003 after serving for 20 years in the pastorate.  Ronnie is a pilot, a life-long golfer, an avid sports enthusiast.  He attended Williams Baptist College, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. 
He is married to Cheryl, his wife for 35+ years.  Cheryl is Director of Childhood Education at Ozarka College in Melbourne, AR. 
They are blessed with three children and five beautiful grandchildren who he loves spending time with.  
Ronnie has a pastor's heart, a profound love for the churches he serves, building relationships and encouraging others.